We have progressed enough spirituality and scientifically to understand the paradox that although we may have to serve the goal of peace for a long time, it can instantaneously occur when the field of collective consciousness is fertile enough.
I am guided, governed and gifted by the eternal presence of Spirit within me!
The high frequency of divine love resounds through all of my relationships!
Excellence is encoded on my soul and evident in my expression!
A consciousness of awe and wonder makes all things possible in my life!
Standing in trust I let God be God as me!
Gratefully I let it be! And So It Is! Amen!
Real thinking is inspiration. The Japanese have a word for thinking—kamkura, which means to return to the realm of God. That’s real thinking. As we begin to practice affirmative prayer, meditation, study and fellowship, the inspired thoughts of God can begin to think themselves through us. Those are affirmative, life-giving, life-enhancing, constructive, creative, beautifying thoughts. This practice allows us to get in touch with our real nature, which is life, which is the life of God, and now the thoughts that begin to emerge from that contract are life-giving and affirmative, beautifying and constructive. Our life then progresses, it evolves.
God’s divine idea for my life is etched on my soul!
Today I activate, cultivate and demonstrate the creative nature within me!
A program for permanent prosperity is installed in my consciousness!
Unconditional love is the fuel and the fire of all my relationships!
God powered insights reign supreme in my awareness!
I am happy and healthy and wholly God’s own!
Gratefully I let it be! So be it! Amen!
Look into the cosmic mirror and see your true image so that you may release yourself from the entrapment of the societal dream prevalent in our high tech – low touch society. How else will the Universe be able to become conscious of itself through your awareness? You have been summoned by the Spirit of Life to wake up. So wash your face and get the sleep out of your eyes so that you may look into the cosmic mirror and see your true reflection, your original face of Spirit.
I deserve and deliver the very best that God has offer!
The genius code within me activates universal intelligence with power and grace!
Love and peace speak to me, through me and as me!
Held in the embrace of pure Spirit, I am supported in all that I do!
Cosmic energy restores my body temple and renews my mind!
Gratitude is the very essence of my being!
It is so! And so it is! Amen!
So many individuals are trying to change their lives by changing others, or they try to change their experience while they themselves remain the same. But when you step into the awareness that you are here to embrace your evolutionary awakening, you become spiritual nobility. You are the king and queen ruling your world with dignity, peace, love, compassion, forgiveness, wisdom, gratitude, surrender and humility.
God is conscious of Itself as me! I Am!
Thoughts of health and wholeness renew my body temple! I thrive!
Liberation flows from my oneness with God! I soar!
The heart of compassion beats within me! I love!
My whole life is a celebration in the good of God! I am grateful!
So be it! And so it is! Amen!
As events present themselves in your experience, train your consciousness to be in gratitude independent of judging them as desirable or undesirable. Remain detached. Then at night, train your last thought before sleep to be one of thanksgiving for the miracle of knowing God, whose pleasure it is to give you the kingdom.
I begin in Spirit, expand in light and embody wholeness! Here I Am!
Thoughts of excellence spring from my union and communion with God!
Today I recognize, appreciate and embrace my true prosperity!
Humility and gratitude activate God’s glory as my life!
I am in mad love with humanity sparking joy wherever I go!
Willingly I live these words of truth! So be it! Amen!