All From Nothing: That’s All You Need

If you are honest with yourself, you will notice that you set a certain ceiling on your life structures. You have come into an agreement that, “I can be content with just this. I don’t want to inconvenience the universe by asking or expecting more.” This is not audacious prayer. Authentic, audacious prayer declares your true nature and takes you to the depths of your being where you touch Reality with a capital R. You break through the ceiling you set for yourself and nothing is the same.

I am filled to overflowing with the presence of the living God!

Within me is the sacred gift of divinity. I live it and give it freely!

The dynamic vibration of freedom shatters all limitations in my life!

Love, peace and possibilities break out everywhere I go!

The essence of gratitude lifts me up, lights me up and loves me up!

Life is good! And so it is! Amen!

All From Nothing: That’s All You Need

In India, Persia, and the Yoruba culture of Nigeria, “Baba” is a term of respect used for a father or wise man. What affectionate energy the word Baba emits, reminding us of the cosmic fatherhood principle as Source, Protector, Upholder. How comforting it is to know that although Baba’s love would prefer to prevent us from erring or being hurt, its wisdom allows us find our own way so that we may grow and evolve.

Let us meditate upon Baba’s qualities of love and wisdom until we can feel them flowing in our own hearts. Let us express them towards our children and all who cross our path.

I have a direct line to the Divine Presence! I am hooked up with God!

The angel of my eternal progression is always cheering me on!

Every aspect of my being is overflowing with divine energy!

I am healthy inside and out!

The wisdom of the eternal Father is my constant companion!

Gratitude is my attitude of choice and the activity of my consciousness!

And so be it! Amen!

All From Nothing: That’s All You Need

When everywhere you look you see the work of Spirit taking place, praise spontaneously bursts out from your heart. Even your very breath becomes a prayer of inhaling divine energy and exhaling gratitude for your precious human incarnation. Life is seen as beautiful, even those things one wouldn’t normally consider as being so. Our sensitivity to the Spirit’s presence increases and we see its activity everywhere, in everything and everyone. We are filled with more joy, more peace, creativity, wisdom—all the inherent qualities of our soul.

The great God of the universe is my constant companion!

Heaven breaks out all over my life!

I am backed by an economy of love, beauty, joy and creativity!

A field of intelligence inspires my thoughts, words and actions!

A perfect pattern of wholeness sources my body temple!

I am lifted! I am gifted! I rise in God!

So be it! Amen!

All From Nothing: That’s All You Need

When we have spiritual breakthroughs we move back and forth between prayer and praise. They intermingle and we realize we aren’t asking for anything and instead are in full acceptance of all the gifts that have already been given. We’re ready to be audacious in our acceptance of them because we’ve touched our true nature of worthiness.

I am a great participant in the ever expanding good that is God!

Sincerity, earnestness and resolve are my qualities of Being!

Beauty, health and wholeness express as my body temple!

My bank of universal good never runs out!

This is the new set point for the rest of my life!

Gratefully I take the dare and live life fully!

And so it is! Amen!


We are here to activate, experience and share that which is Real within us and participate in full-out living, which comes by entering profoundly into our true nature through meditation, affirmative prayer, study, service and always, always a highly evolved sense of humor.

My life is the life of God!  Deep, down, real good God!

The high vibration of excellence is the starting point in all I do!

I am an ambassador of the unseen making abundance visible on this planet!

The impulse of divine love underscores my relationships!

Turning within I live full out, sailing, soaring and totally free!

My life is a hallelujah from head to toe! And so it is! Amen!