When we are fully present to our experience of the moment free from the mind’s evaluation of good or bad, without imposing our ego into the way we think things ought to be, it is easier to let go, to laugh at the false illusion of control. Then we find that in our prayer work what we are affirming for ourselves is an awakened state of consciousness that looks directly at reality, which includes all needs met. Praying for that which is merely material and therefore temporary---name, fame, credentials, status---becomes the stuff of spiritual childhood.
One presence! One life! One God! Here, now, always!
The power of this awareness dissolves all fear, doubt and worry!
God intoxicated thoughts forge a new groove in my consciousness!
Health, vigor and vitality are the order of my day! Everyday!
The high vibration of principle and practice is top priority in my life!
I say “Yes” in advance and meet my good everywhere I go!
In all things I am grateful! And so it is! Amen!
It is said that the Divine Mother keeps written in her heart every prayer you have ever whispered from your secret soul into the universe. This utterly tender aspect of the Spirit is experienced by those who turn to it with the trusting abandon of a child to its mother. Today, bathe your consciousness in the unconditional, comforting love of the Cosmic Mother.
God leads, guides, directs and protects me now and always!
The gifts of my divinity are stirred into activity and express fully!
Blessings flow forth from the high vibration of my willingness!
God is the breath of my breath and the bone of my bone; I am whole, complete and perfect!
Today, I bathe my consciousness in the unconditional, comforting love of
the Cosmic Mother!
Gratefully I let it be! And so it is! Amen!
Spirit is knocking at the door of your heart urging you to accept its revelation that within you is a masterpiece that longs to emerge into expression through you. Every being is a masterpiece because God does not give birth to anything less than that. This revelation is something you have been empowered to initiate through your spiritual practices of meditation, affirmative prayer, and life visioning. Open yourself to receiving this direct, soul-centered God-cast and be prepared to bow before the unrivaled beauty of your being.
Today I emerge and see all that God created me to be!
My life is a celebration of love, inspiration and transformation!
Pure appreciation and divine intelligence are the fuels that I run on. I am super charged!
The dynamic potential within me manifests as all needs met!
Revelations of health and wholeness restore my body temple!
I am a channel revealing the glory of God everywhere I go!
This is my new set point! Gratefully I live these words of truth!
So be it! Amen!
Our minds are like blotting paper, soaking up habit patterns of thought and behavior. But we can remold our lives according to Spirit’s design. Beginning today set your intention to live, move, and have your being centered in the Self. Then watch how new, victorious patterns are established and you keep your spiritual priorities straight.
The overflowing good of God blesses every area of my life!
Power, Order and Wisdom! POW! I have it all!
My relationships are a soulful celebration of joy and unconditional love!
The energy of pure spirit renews and restores my body temple!
I feel sense and accept the grace of God upon me!
All praise and glory is to God!
Gratefully I let it be! And so it is! Amen!
Without commitment to our spiritual practices, it’s easy to get seduced by self-centeredness. Daily practice of meditation, affirmative prayer, visioning and compassion move us from being self-centered to being centered in the Self. And when we are steadfast in our practices through life’s hurricanes as well as its blue skies, we remain profoundly centered in the Self; we keep our seat amidst the crash of breaking worlds and have dominion over our lives.
The essence of my Being burns bright with love, peace and joy!
I am charged with divine ideas shot from the mind of God!
My life is a blessing! I have multiple gifts to give!
Infinite, invisible good manifests as all my needs met!
Radiant health and wholeness express as my body temple!
I am a walking, talking, living, loving expression of God`s grace!
In all things I am grateful! And so be it! Amen!