The opposite of freedom is bondage. Freedom is birthed in awakened consciousness, while bondage is rooted is unconsciousness. There is no evil in our world, only unconsciousness of one’s true nature. When we take the responsibility for cultivating our true Self, we break the ties that bind us to the illusions of who and what we falsely think we are. We all have aspects of self of which we are more conscious than others. The more we clarify consciousness through our daily spiritual practices, the more we awaken our potential for self-realization.
Peace is a quality of the Spirit that is everywhere present. Peace as a dynamic harmony is what you are called to reveal first within your own consciousness, and then in your world. Thoughts and actions born of the inner peace of your soul are in alignment with the Laws of the Universe.
Today, continue to nourish your dreams. Hold fast to your vision and do something everyday to bring it into manifestation. Everything is possible in God because God is the Infinite Possibility within everything. Know that you are God’s beloved in whom God is well pleased. Never give up on yourself.
What fruits are you harvesting in your life? Do you harvest peace, love, compassion, abundance? Do you find yourself with an abundance of things to be grateful for? Your answers to these types of questions are a genuine method for understanding whether you have matured spiritually or whether you are still grappling with circumstances. The spiritually mature don’t wait for circumstances to change before they allow themselves to be happy. Rather they choose to see the beauty and the perfection in life as it is and give great thanks for it now.
With dominion over your attention, you experience the true meaning of freedom which is more than merely experiencing a release from the thought form habits of worry, doubt, fear, dis-ease, discomfort and disharmony. Authentic dominion over your consciousness is the ability to freely express, in your own way, the deep, mystical chords of spiritual realization and divine creativity. From dominion, you move into the space of full-on living that characterizes the habits practiced in the lives of highly evolved people.