Conscious Celebration

I want you to wake up today! If you believe that you will be complete after you find the right relationship, the better job, the bigger house, that hotter investment, the accomplishment of a particular goal, you are asleep in the human dream of maya, which is the sleep of human delusion. Any such fulfillment is only temporary. The quest of looking for wholeness outside of yourself is not the way it works. It’s an inside job!

My life is the life of God radiantly and fully expressed!
The power of this awareness sets me free to be me!
All of my relationships are shot through with love and peace!
Well-being and being well is my way life!
God by means of me anchors true abundance and permanent prosperity!
These loving words are the law of my life!
Gratefully I let it be! And so it is! Amen!

Conscious Celebration

During the holiday season, when the collective mind of humanity centers on celebrating Chanukah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa, there is a potent vibration sensitizing and accelerating our individual ability to yield to the inner call of the Christ Consciousness. Take advantage of this potency and use it to give birth to your own Christ-self!

The divine light of the Christ Consciousness illumines every aspect of my being!
New horizons of infinite possibilities inspire me from glory to greater glory!
My individual life has meaning and I am a beneficial presence on this planet!
God is my health! God is my wealth! God is my everything!
My whole wonder-filled life is a prayer of praise and thanksgiving!
This is the time of the awakened Christ within me!
So be it! Amen!

Conscious Celebration

This universal Christ-energy is not manifest on the planet only during a specific time of year or when a specific awakened being graced the planet. Its timelessness permeates every speck of space, every man, woman and child, all existence. Each and every day it is present to remind us of our countless blessings as spiritual beings having a human incarnation. And especially to accelerate our innate capacity to birth and awakened state of being in the cradle of consciousness.

God’s universe is a friendly place! I am safe!
Spontaneous goodness flows from my utter reliance on Spirit!
My heart extends through my hands. I am in service to divine love!
High, inspired thoughts of God are the guiding angels on my path!
I am immersed in a field of infinite possibilities and unlimited potential!
Mighty miracles demonstrate through my ever-evolving consciousness!
Gratefully I live these words of truth! And so it is! Amen!

Conscious Celebration

When we meditate and pray we are following in the footsteps of the Master Teacher and all true lovers of Spirit who fully realized their unbreakable oneness with Spirit. Reading in the writings of mystics across all traditions about the rapturous energies that consumed them while communing with Spirit, we are transported into a realm of Divine Love that sets our souls on fire, that awakens within us a hunger for the Divine Beloved to sit at our table and sup with us. To hand feed us the truth of our eternal union.

I am rooted in the rich soil of God consciousness!
The fire of my imagination ignites the divine potential within me!
A perfect pattern of absolute wholeness shapes and forms my body temple!
The high vibration of unconditional love supports all of my relationships!
I am forever expanding, forever evolving, forever revealing God!
Gratefully I live these words of truth! And so it is! Amen!

Conscious Celebration

As we stand at the precipice of the holyday season, how precious it is to know that underneath all of our celebrations there beats the heart of love, of generosity, of a kinship with all life. This collective awareness, whether you call it Christ Consciousness, the Light of Life, or no name at all, electrifies the atmosphere  and, when we open our hearts to fully embrace it, illuminates our inner being.

My life is an adventure in surrender; a journey of the Sacred Yes!
Love, peace and joy are the guideposts on my path!
Optimal health and absolute wholeness are my divine birthright fully expressed!
My relationships are joint participations in the good of God!
Infinite possibilities within me express as all needs met!
Gratefully I live these words of truth! So be it! Amen!