Choose To Make Your Future Self Happy

During the holiday season, when the collective mind of humanity centers on celebrating Chanukah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa, there is a potent vibration sensitizing and accelerating our individual ability to yield to the inner call of the Christ Consciousness.? Take advantage of this potency and use it to give birth to your own Christ-self!

The divine light of the Christ Consciousness illumines every aspect of my being! New horizons of infinite possibilities inspire me from glory to greater glory! My individual life has meaning and I am a beneficial presence on this planet! God is my health!? God is my wealth!? God is my everything! My whole wonder-filled life is a prayer of praise and thanksgiving! This is the time of the awakened Christ within me! So be it!? Amen!

Choose To Make Your Future Self Happy

In celebration of his life, our greatest Christmas gift to one another, to all those whom we love and to all sentient beings is our prayer that the unconditional love which lived in the heart of Jesus may be birthed within us. Inclusive within unconditional love is all that is needed to bring about world peace, to end hunger and poverty, to end unkindness, greed, and selfishness.

Godfs universe is a friendly place! ?I am safe! Spontaneous goodness flows from my utter reliance on Spirit! My heart extends through my hands. ?I am in service to divine love! High, inspired thoughts of God are the guiding angels on my path! I am immersed in a field of infinite possibilities and unlimited potential! Mighty miracles demonstrate through my ever-evolving consciousness! Gratefully I live these words of truth! ?And so it is! ?Amen!

Choose To Make Your Future Self Happy

When we open the inner eye of the soul, everything is One. Communing with the One Life unites our Christed-self with the Infinite Christ. Jesus, the Christ possessed this tremendous spiritual power and beauty. He claimed no personal credentials, no bragging rights. His only absolute claim was his oneness with the Father Mother Spirit. He lived in the freedom of God consciousness.

I am rooted in the rich soil of God consciousness! The fire of my imagination ignites the divine potential within me! A perfect pattern of absolute wholeness shapes and forms my body temple! The high vibration of unconditional love supports all of my relationships! I am forever expanding, forever evolving, forever revealing God! Gratefully I live these words of truth!? And so it is!? Amen!

Choose To Make Your Future Self Happy

When I asked myself what quality of consciousness the peacemakers of the past and present exhibit, I realize that gpeaceh was not just a concept to them. ?Somehow each of these individuals touched the hem of the garment of Reality and this is what gave them the ability to begin over and over again. ?The stories about such beings uplift and encourage us. ?But they must do more than that. ?They must inspire the same compassion and selflessness within us.

My life is an adventure in surrender; a journey of the Sacred Yes! Love, peace and joy are the guideposts on my path! Optimal health and absolute wholeness are my divine birthright fully expressed! My relationships are joint participations in the good of God! Infinite possibilities within me express as all needs met! Gratefully I live these words of truth! ?So be it! ?Amen!

Greatness = Purpose And Mission Beyond Convenience - Prepare For Magnificence!

Each one of us has a unique pattern for evolving our spiritual passion and power as we co-create life with our Source. All aspects of our being play their essential part physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We may ascend the evolutionary spiral by tapping into the vital healing forces that sustain and support us.

Today I lift my vibration, expand my horizons and set myself free! God is the unfailing, unlimited source of my supply! I believe and I receive! I am a global citizen anchoring peace and oneness everywhere I go! Revelations of health and wholeness vitalize my body temple! My authentic aliveness inspires me to claim my true identity! I am a descended master here to reveal heaven on earth! Gratefully I give my gifts and live these words of truth! And so it is! Amen!