For New Beginnings, Take Back Your Mind!

What a treasure is a true friend, and how profound is a friendfs influence upon our life.? Far beyond the devolved definition of gfriendh on Facebook, soul-friendship evolves through a sacred union of hearts, cultivated perhaps over lifetimes. This I know from direct experience:? Because there is no distance between souls, even when a friend has transitioned to his or her new dimension of living, the bond remains unbroken and eternal.? In fact, when the time is ripe, the magnetism of friendship once again attracts one soul to the other, whether one of them reincarnated across the world or down the block. Such friends want nothing from one another except the joy of their shared presence, sweetened with the recognition that they have been drawn together for the evolution of their souls.

Out of the Isness of God flows the allness of my life! My gifts of divinity are stirred into right action right now! All of my relationships are encoded with love and infused with joy! I am the perfect conduit for infinite possibilities to express! God is the instant and constant presence of abundance in my life! Willingly, joyfully, gratefully, I let it be!? And so it is!? Amen!

For New Beginnings, Take Back Your Mind!

When we are fully present to our experience of the moment free from the mindfs evaluation of good or bad, without imposing our ego into the way we think things ought to be, it is easier to let go, to laugh at the false illusion of control.? Then we find that in our prayer work what we are affirming for ourselves is an awakened state of consciousness that looks directly at reality, which includes all needs met.? Praying for that which is merely material and therefore temporary---name, fame, credentials, status---becomes the stuff of spiritual childhood.

One presence!? One life! One God!? Here, now, always! The power of this awareness dissolves all fear, doubt and worry! God intoxicated thoughts forge a new groove in my consciousness Health, vigor and vitality are the order of my day! Everyday! The high vibration of principle and practice is top priority in my life! I say gyesh in advance and meet my good everywhere I go! In all things I am grateful!? And so it is!? Amen!

For New Beginnings, Take Back Your Mind!

Remember that your heartsets and mindsets are the mechanisms of empowerment in all of your life structures. Nurture them, nourish them by diving deeply into the reservoir of consciousness through your spiritual practices of affirmative prayer, meditation, life visioning, and generosity of heart.? Daily enter the sanctuary of your soul so that you may touch the exquisite Presence of your being.? After all, doesnft your relationship with the Divine deserve 1/24th of your conscious attention each day?

This is a new day and I gratefully rejoice in it!_x000D__x000D_ _x000D__x000D_ The vibration of abundance precedes me everywhere I go!_x000D__x000D_ _x000D__x000D_ My life is a dynamic expression of health and wholeness!_x000D__x000D_ _x000D__x000D_ The radiant energy of Godfs love charges all of my relationships!_x000D__x000D_ _x000D__x000D_ The evidence of joy is everywhere in my life!_x000D__x000D_ _x000D__x000D_ Wow!? How gifted, how blessed, how wonderful I am!_x000D__x000D_ _x000D__x000D_ So be it! Amen

For New Beginnings, Take Back Your Mind!

When you are ready to evolve from one level of consciousness to another, the natural question becomes:? How? The answer is by taking a disciplined leap into a state of spiritual buoyancy.? Never heard that term before?? Spiritual buoyancy is about waking up to the state of consciousness in which you are currently living your life and working in a disciplined way with the challenges it presents as maps guiding you in the direction of your next level of awakening

My life is lived in full participation with the Infinite! All my relationships match the high vibration of unconditional love! Real and meaningful changes take place in the field of my willingness! Perfect health is my conversation, my affirmation and my demonstration! I allow the good of God to come to me and flow through me! Vision, infinite potential and unlimited possibilities are the fuels that drive my life! Gratefully I live these words of truth!? And so it is!? Amen! So be it!? Amen

For New Beginnings, Take Back Your Mind!

As we enter the portal of the New Year, let us hold sacred our soulfs romance with the Infinite, which makes possible every delight we know in our life.? What is vitally important in our personal spiritual practice is that we become mindful that the fulfillment of our intentions is already contained within the fabric of who and what we are spiritually.? How sweet that we have been given that capacity.? The main point is that we use it!

Gratefully I step into this New Year awake, aware and authentically me! The love of God operates through my open, happy heart! I am a master of divine substance creating wealth wherever I go! Made in the image and likeness of God; I am whole, healthy and complete! The conditions are perfect for the miracle of me to express! My high resolve and clear intention make this the best year of my life! So be it!? Amen