Have you ever examined that for which you affirmatively pray? Does it include an expansion of consciousness, an increasing depth of wisdom, compassion, forgiveness of self and others, generosity, the discovery of your innate gifts? Constantly tinkering with what we believe are our human imperfections can overtake our lives. We begin fussing over teeth that television ads insist arenft white enough, bodies that arenft thin, muscular, or attractive enough. When we look at our world and how many of our brothers and sisters must devote most of their waking hours to daily subsistence, we can catch that having the time for meditation and prayer is a blessed, sacred luxury. Let us not waste this blessing or take it for granted!
I am one with the presence of God almighty! A new world is emerging in my playful, prayerful consciousness! My high intention and deep conviction propels me forward with ease by grace! The spiritual supply within me transcends any seeming limitations! Health and wholeness are my divine birthright fully expressed! Everyday I have more and more to be grateful for! And so it is! Amen.
In India, Persia, and the Yoruba culture of Nigeria, gBabah is a term of respect used for a father or wise man. What affectionate energy the word Baba emits, reminding us of the cosmic fatherhood principle as Source, Protector, Upholder. How comforting it is to know that although Babafs love would prefer to prevent us form erring or being hurt, its wisdom allows us to find our own way so that we may grow and evolve. Let us meditate upon Babafs qualities of love and wisdom until we can feel them flowing in our own hearts. Let us express them towards our children and all who cross our path.
I have a direct line to the Divine Presence! I am hooked up with God! The angel of my eternal progression is always cheering me on! Every aspect of my being is overflowing with divine energy! I am healthy inside and out! The wisdom of the eternal Father is my constant companion! Gratitude is my attitude of choice and the activity of my consciousness! And so be it! Amen!
Reeling. Barely coping. Mourning. Taking a stand. These are just some of the more printable comments Ifm receiving from countless individuals about the times our world is currently facing. And I am no exception to standing in what is unchartered territory, in not knowing whatfs next.? But there is one thing I absolutely do know:? Spirit is now and ever shall be in charge. Now, in the precise moment you are reading these words, I invite you to also know that with me;?to know that while the current appearance is wayward, the way forward is about trustingly walking hand-in-hand with Spirit.
I let the expanded nature of God take over my life! The vibration of creation expresses through my hands, my heart and my mind! The language of love speaks through all my conversations! I am rock solid in the awareness and demonstration of true abundance! My gratitude opens doors and activates unlimited opportunities! This moment is a new beginning for my life!? And so it is!? Amen!
Remember that your heartsets and mindsets are the mechanisms of empowerment in all of your life structures. Nurture them, nourish them by diving deeply into the reservoir of consciousness through your spiritual practices of affirmative prayer, meditation, life visioning, and generosity of heart.? Daily enter the sanctuary of your soul so that you may touch the exquisite Presence of your being.? After all, doesnft your relationship with the Divine deserve 1/24th of your conscious attention each day?
The inspired thoughts of God guide and direct me, support and uplift me!_x000D__x000D_ _x000D__x000D_ A radiant world of beauty and love is my dwelling place!_x000D__x000D_ _x000D__x000D_ My life is an ongoing expression of grace and right action!_x000D__x000D_ _x000D__x000D_ A dynamic sense of abundance and wholeness overflows my awareness!_x000D__x000D_ _x000D__x000D_ Open doors and open hearts greet me everywhere I go!_x000D__x000D_ _x000D__x000D_ Gratefully I live and give the gifts God gave me!_x000D__x000D_ _x000D__x000D_ And so it is! Amen
As you intuitively catch and follow Spiritfs inner guidance, may you enter a profound evolutionary era on your life path. Spirit lives at the very heart and soul of each one of us, yearning to fully realize itself as us, which is why we have the inner urge to seek and come ghomeh to our true Self.
I am filled to overflowing with the presence of the living God! Within me is the sacred gift of divinity.? I live it and give it freely! The dynamic vibration of freedom shatters all limitations in my life! Love, peace and possibilities break out everywhere I go! The essence of gratitude lifts me up, lights me up and loves me up! Life is good!? And so it is!? Amen!