Catch the Eternal Broadcast ~ Your Interest Determines Your Station

From clothing, zip code, car make, sexual orientation, politics, cultural identity, to Spirit?we are a label-conscious society.? Categorical labeling is what we use to simplify the complexities of life. In our branding-conscious, marketing driven society, it seems counterintuitive to simply experience gbeingh without putting a descriptive label?or even an emoji?on it. And yet when we live by labels, one label leads to another and together they soon become our collective societal reference points.? The truth is, pure Is-ness has no label; therefore, as the essence of our limitless being, nor do we.

My life is the life of God radiantly and fully expressed! The power of this awareness sets me free to be me! All of my relationships are shot through with love and peace! Well-being and being well is my way life! God by means of me anchors true abundance and permanent prosperity! These loving words are the law of my life! Gratefully I let it be!? And so it is!? Amen!

Begin at the Beginning--It's the Only Place to Start

As we create the inner conditions for our freedom to be revealed to us, there will be an ongoing, recognizable maturity in our evolutionary process.? This recognition is an uncovering of the ultimate Reality of life:? You are now, always have been and always shall be free.

I am aglow with the dynamic energy of pure spirit! The power of my sacred yes amplifies the God qualities within me! Love is my inspiration, my conversation and my life! Peace is my natural state and my holy charge! Abundance is my divine right flowing to me and through me! Gratitude is my way of seeing and being! I am a mighty force of God consciousness on this planet! And so it is!? Amen!

Begin at the Beginning--It's the Only Place to Start

Freedom comes through a humble, grateful acceptance of our spiritual birthright of freedom right where we are, exactly as who we are.? Freedom is not some future destination.? It is here, now, whispering within that your essence is not the body, not the mind, that what you are is pure, awakened awareness.

The vibration of the most high God is active within me right here, right now! My body temple clothes my spirit with beauty, health and wholeness! The path of my evolution unfolds before me!? I am guided! An environment of love and safety surrounds me always!? I am protected! A well spring of infinite good sources me fully!? I am supplied Lifted in the power of gratitude I let it be.? And so it is!? Amen!

Begin at the Beginning--It's the Only Place to Start

Freedom is realizing that the purpose of our spiritual practice is far more than a psychological self-improvement project.? This goes beyond mentally affirming our freedom to beginning to live from it, which causes us to develop, unfold, and evolve from the inside out, powered by our application of inner spiritual exploration.

The eternal presence of the divine burns bright as my life! I am the right condition for right action to take place! The love of God dwells within me and expresses through me! I am fueled by the living energy of pure spirit! Today I rise up in the frequency of abundance, joy and gratitude! I have it! I love it!? I am it! So be it!? Amen.

Begin at the Beginning--It's the Only Place to Start

Societal conditioning has propagated the belief that we cannot experience our inherent freedom until we have been redeemed from our flawed or sinful state by an outside source, be it a savior or a guru taking on our karma?in other words, by our individual acceptance of dogmatic theories about how spiritual liberation is achieved. So, the first freedom is freeing ourselves from the false belief that freedom comes from beyond our individual capacity to discover its existence within ourselves.

I am a great unstoppable being here on a mission from God! The gifts of creativity are stirred into activity within me! Seeds of love grow in my heart and flower in my relationships! Power, bliss and abundance! Right here! Right now! As me! I am here to change the world for the better! Come on God! Use me! Lifted in the power of gratitude I let it be. And so it is! Amen!