Your Life:? An Adventure of a Lifetime

To be joyful is to be free, because a joyful person is not controlled by forms of societal conditioning, by dependence upon the opinions of others, or by receiving outer compliments and accolades to determine their worth.? No person, thing, or circumstance can give or take joy away from us.? Joy is an unconditional dimension of the soul, not a criteria set by the mind.

Every day I begin again in the full awareness of my oneness in God! A powerful field of love connects me to my heartfs desires! A fountain of God consciousness informs and inspires me! Gratitude rises up and overflows my life! Today I free my heart, open my soul and let the God times roll! And so it is! Amen!

Your Life:? An Adventure of a Lifetime

When we tap into our innate quality of joy, we feel as though we can dance among the stars. Joy, an innate quality of the soul, is independent of any outer circumstances or events happening in our lives. Happiness, on the other hand, comes and goes, depending upon how we relate to and thereby evaluate events and circumstances?such as if our desires are or arenft being met, whether our dreams materialize or donft materialize, whether or not others are meeting our expectations of them, or if our talents and skills are or arenft being recognized and rewarded. When we devote so much time to outer fulfillment we remain on the surface of our existence, which prevents us from reaching into the depths of our soul and its unconditional energy of joy.

Everything about me proclaims the good of God almighty! Peace by peace the beloved community is anchored through me! I live in alignment with Godfs big idea for my life! My miracle consciousness blesses everyone I meet! Divine and compelling right action orders my days and my ways! Gracefully and gratefully I let it be!? And so it is!? Amen!

Catch the Eternal Broadcast ~ Your Interest Determines Your Station

The New Thought tradition of spirituality is a true shapeshifter.? Meeting the spiritual needs of our times through its universal principles and practices, it offers us a solid foundation upon which to base our trust that the social, political, and environmental challenges our world family is facing are calls to awakening the global heart. Emphasizing that all existence emerges from one Source, New Thought deepens our compassion, inspiring us to be of service to our brothers and sisters.? Its openhearted diversity and inclusivity lead to this simple truth:? every beingfs existence is intentional, meaningful, and is a gift to our beautiful planet.

I am rooted in the rich soil of God consciousness! The fire of my imagination ignites the divine potential within me! A perfect pattern of absolute wholeness shapes and forms my body temple! The high vibration of unconditional love supports all of my relationships! I am forever expanding, forever evolving, forever revealing God! Gratefully I live these words of truth!? And so it is!? Amen!

Catch the Eternal Broadcast ~ Your Interest Determines Your Station

Having no labels, no limitations is? about not labeling our experiences as being good or bad, because everything that comes into our lives has the potential to awaken us, to shake us out of illusion.? It is all rich material to work with and when we catch on to this, the habit of labeling falls away. We may continue using labels for clarity of verbal communication, and when we are conscious that we do so for this purpose, it emerges from an entirely different vibratory level of consciousness.?? It is then that we begin to tap into and express from our organic intuitive wisdom, inspiration, and limitless Self.

I am made whole in the image and likeness of God! My actions are rooted in peace, wrapped in love and expressed with excellence! Avenues of creativity flow to me from the mind of God! Gratitude wells up and saturates every area of my life! Plenitude is my natural state of being!? I give and receive in God! Joyfully I let it be!? So be it!? Amen!

Catch the Eternal Broadcast ~ Your Interest Determines Your Station

Each of us is a holographic, reflective expression of our Creator Source. And just as its essence has no label in spite of all those we endeavor to place upon it according to our understanding, we also come into this world glabel free.h What we need to cultivate is an ginner-standingh that supports us in relating to the pristineness of the Life Essence that animates, sustains, and expresses in, as and through us.? Such an inner-standing will cause us to realize that no label has ever been nor can ever be placed on our spirit?not by our parents, society, peers, or ourselves.

All of God is everywhere that I am! My relationships are shot through with divine love! Fear, doubt and worry dissolve in the light of my response ability! My supply is spiritual substance that never runs out! Today I give myself permission to be healthy, whole and beautiful! I am gratefully alive and aligned in these words of truth! And so it is!? Amen!