Divine Providence: Are You Receptive?

Just as a photographer must go into the darkroom to develop his photos, so must we enter the darkroom of our spiritual practices to develop our soul qualities.? As Jesus instructed his followers, gWhen thou prayest, enter into thy closetc,h? and we all know most closets are dark until we turn on the light.? Our spiritual practices provide that divine illumination.? In this cave of stillness you cultivate the qualities of Spirit that are etched upon your soul.

The essence of my Being burns bright with love, peace and joy! I am charged with divine ideas shot from the mind of God! My life is a blessing!? I have multiple gifts to give! Infinite, invisible good manifests as all my needs met! Radiant health and wholeness express as my body temple! I am a walking, talking, living, loving expression of God`s grace! In all things I am grateful! And so be it!? Amen!

Divine Providence: Are You Receptive?

When we are in a consciousness of en-Theos, inspired by Spirit, our nervous system becomes recoded because enthusiasm births inspiration; inspiration births gratitude.? Gratitude opens the floodgates of receiving. Entering its flow, we draws to ourselves all that is required for the next step in our evolutionary process.

I am one with the great power and presence that is God! More good than I can even imagine is expressing as me right now! Today I say yes and halleluiah to my health and wholeness! The energy of excellence is infused into every activity of my life! The essence of pure Spirit inspires every aspect of my Being! How great God is!? How grateful I am!? So be it!? Amen!

Divine Providence: Are You Receptive?

Enthusiasm keeps us steadfast during those gI donft feel like ith moments.? We canft be half-hearted about enlightenment?meditating, praying, chanting, visioning seven days in a row and then stopping for another month. When we are sincerely enthusiastic, whether our dayfs meditation flowered into blossoms of bliss or not, we remain loyal to our practice.

The overflowing good of God blesses every area of my life! Power, Order and Wisdom!? POW! I have it all! My relationships are a soulful celebration of joy and unconditional love! The energy of pure spirit renews and restores my body temple! I feel sense and accept the grace of God upon me! All praise and glory is to God! Gratefully I let it be!? And so it is!? Amen

Divine Providence: Are You Receptive?

Enthusiasm is our passport from the surface to depths of awakened consciousness. Consider the etymology of the Greek word en + Theos, which means ginspired or possessed by God.h? When we are overtaken by an awareness of this Great Something that breathes our breath, walks through our feet, loves through our heart, communes with Itself in our soul, how can we not enthusiastically, passionately be on fire to enter the holy of holies and taste the ecstasies of awakened consciousness?

Love is streaming live through every area of my life! The dynamic potential within me manifests as all needs met! I am free to be all that God created me to be. Vim, vigor and vitality are the fuel I run on!? I am super charged! I am giddy with gratitude and glad surprise! It is done!? It is so!? So be it!? Amen!

Divine Providence: Are You Receptive?

In the arc of evolutionary progress, we have so much to be grateful for, especially the luxury of time to participate in spiritual practices, to take classes, to do yoga, and much more. Perhaps more than at any other point in our lifetime, we must take full advantage of this time to pray for the world, to send out vibrational energies of universal peace, justice, kindness, and wisdom. This is how, together, we create a world that works for everyone.

Everything I want, hope for and desire is already within me! I am a divine dispenser of cosmic good; giving and receiving in God! My explorations in excellence reveal the Spiritual gifts within me! I am here as an advocate and architect of a kind and just society! Soul to soul connections are the essence of all my relations! I stand in gratitude for this word made manifest! So be it! Amen!