Agape Association of Communities - FAQ

Agape Association of Communities Q & A’s


What is the mission statement of the Agape Association of Communities?

Mission: To establish a worldwide Association of like-minded communities and individuals dedicated to evolving consciousness on the planet.

Purpose: Unfolding the Agape vision together one community at a time.

Agape Association of Communities: One Vision, One Community, One Love


What is the definition of an Agape Associate?

A community or minister with values aligned with the Agape vision


What is the difference between associating and affiliating?

Instead of being under the legal authority of Agape as an affiliate, Associates enter into a voluntary agreement to accomplish a common global purpose. Associates retain their own 501c3, are independent in name, mission and purpose statement. They share values, vision, and like-minded principles with Agape and are committed to evolving this consciousness worldwide.


Who qualifies to become an associate? 

Ministers (pastors, priests, rabbis, etc…) of communities, independent ministers (pastors, priests, rabbis, etc…)


If I am a minister, must I have a church or be a staff minister in order to be an associate?



If I am a staff minister at a church, must my senior minister join in order for me to be an associate?



If a senior minister becomes an associate, are the rest of the staff ministers automatically associates?



What are the benefits of associating?

The benefits of association include retention of your own identity while still being associated with the Agape world community. Associate members will be listed on the website as Associates and therefore visible to the Agape community at large. Associates will also receive a discount on any activities that Agape may be producing including Revelation, Conversations on the Emerging Edge, Meditation Retreats, etc. Registration for such events will be on the secure Agape Association of Communities page on the Agapelive website where only those who are members will be able to register at membership rates. As an Associate listed on Agape’s website, you and/or your community will be visible to Agape’s global live-streaming audience and congregation.  Additionally, Associates and their spiritual center/community will be included on a referral list for individuals seeking a spiritual center/community in their area or an area they will be visiting, bringing a rich new group of people to your congregation or study group.


What is the cost of associating?

Associate costs are $125 per year for individual membership and $200 per year for spiritual communities.


What is the proper designation for an associate?

XYZ Spiritual Center, Member of the Agape Association of Communities


How will associates network and connect?

By email, Facebook, and also the Agapelive website. We also intend to have a minister’s hotline where ministers and community leaders may go to get answers, prayer, guidance about ministry, order of services, networking, visiting other associate member’s communities, etc…


Will there be email campaigns for mass marketing of associates’ new books, etc?

Possibly, as the vision for the Association unfolds, these and more questions will be answered.


Will Agape share its associate membership with outside organizations/teachers, etc?



Will there be a privacy policy in place?



Who is the Agape contact for the Association of Communities?

Agape Association of Communities


Agape International Spiritual Center

Please use the Contacts Tab above.