Sacred Service Saturday

Sacred Service Saturday Projects   


1. New Earth  

New Earth provides mentor-based arts, educational, and vocational programs that empower juvenile justice and system involved youth ages 13-25 to transform their lives, move toward positive, healthier life choices, and realize their full potential as contributing members of our community. We will be painting, organizing and painting a mural and more at the learning center.  All ages. Project hours: 10am - 2pm. Action Agape*

2. A New Way of Life 

ANWOL serves women who have been in the criminal justice system, some for decades. While incarcerated, these women had little or no opportunities to garden or even enjoy healthy foods. Our project will be planting a garden that the women can take care of so as they nourish the garden, they nourish their bodies, souls and spirit as they find their ways back into society. South Central Los Angeles.  Ages 18 and up.  Project hours:10am - 3pm.  Freedom Light Prison Ministry*

3. Hand to Hand Feeding Program

Hand to Hand is a nonprofit that serves hundreds of folks a sit down meal every Saturday, with compassion and love. Santa Monica Ages 17 and up. Project hours: 7:30 -11am. Homeward Bound*

4. Adopt the Learning Garden

The Learning Garden is a community supported project , at Venice High School, integrating teaching of gardeners of all ages how to grow our food. We are committed to teaching everyone where our food comes from and exporting our garden model which sequesters carbon and helps ameliorate global climate change. Come join as we play and plant!  Mar Vista Ages 5 and up. Project hours: 9am - 2pm.  Earth Spirit Agape*

5. Agape Road Show

Come to perform, pray or join in group songs at a hospital and a convalescent home. Bring your love and joy to patients in need. All Ages, and levels of talent, welcomed.  Project hours and location: TBD.  Agape Road Show*

6. Safe Place for Youth

Safe Place for Youth’s mission is to inspire, nurture, and empower the resilient human spirit of homeless youth by providing immediate and lasting solutions, one young person at a time.  Help them by sorting donations and cleaning.  14 years and older.  Venice.  Project hours: 9:30am - 12:30pm  Action Agape*

7. L.O.V.E. Foundation

L.O.V.E. Living Our Vision Everyday Foundation is a non-profit organization serving disenfranchised and temporarily homeless youth in Los Angeles The event, Love is Alive BBQ, is their 5th annual fun day of celebration, music, and love to bring joy and meaning to these young people. We help prep and facilitate.  Hollywood area. All ages. Project hours: 10am - 3pm. Action Agape*

8. Big Heart Ranch

Big Heart Ranch provides healing interactive experiences with rescued animals including horses, alpacas, deer and even chickens! We will be focused on their three guiding principles of RESCUE (working hand in hand with our rescue animals) RENEW (a project designed to renew our farm and its animals while feeding your heart) and RECONNECT (your team will help reconnect the farm to the community by helping to organize, clean, groom, exercise and play with the animals at the ranch) continuing to help Big Heart Ranch in our mission to help people reconnect to the natural world and all of it’s balancing, rejuvenating principles.  Malibu All ages welcome Project hours: 9:30am - 1:30pm. Action Agape*

9. Community Services Unlimited Inc. Paul Robeson Wellness Center

CSU’s mission is to foster the creation of communities actively working to address the inequalities and systemic barriers that make sustainable communities and self-reliant life-styles challenging to obtain. We will helping with seasonal maintenance of the on-site urban farm and centers grounds. Activities could include weeding, mulching, planting, watering, picking up trash, trimming hedges, painting and other maintenance as needed at the time. Volunteers may also help with outreach in the neighborhood, doing door knocking to inform local residents of the programs and services offered at the center.  South Central. Ages 10 and up. Project hours: 9am - 12pm. Action Agape*

10. Community Services Unlimited Inc. EXPO Urban Farm

We will be at CSU’s urban farm helping with seasonal maintenance and planting. Activities will include weeding, mulching, planting, watering, and other maintenance as needed at the time. Volunteers may also help with outreach in the neighborhood, doing door knocking to inform local residents of the programs offered at the farm. South Central Ages 10 and up. Project hours: 9am - 12pm.  Action Agape*

11. Compton Jr. Equestrians

mpton Jr. Equestrians is training program helping local young people to develop leadership skills. This will be a general cleanup, and organizing day with horses and some other critters. Folks should know that they will be with animals, so if they have allergies they should prepare appropriately. Boots recommended! Ages 14 years old and up. Compton Project hours:TBD.  Action Agape*

12. Critter Crusade

LA City Animal Services is one of the largest municipal shelter systems in the U.S. The South Los Angeles Shelter works to promote health, safety and welfare of animals and people in Los Angeles. We will help with basic daily chores and doing some general cleaning. We will not be walking dogs!! Ages 16 and up. South Central. Project hours: 9:30am - 12:30pm. Action Agape*

13. SHARE! Self-Help and Recovery Exchange, Recovery Retreat

The SHARE! Recovery Retreat is a boot camp or jump start for recovery. During their free two-week stay, participants are supported to take charge of their lives, create and strengthen their social networks, identify and pursue their goals, and learn that they have all the resources they need to handle life’s challenges. Along the way, participants learn life skills such as conflict resolution, communication skills, budgeting, shopping, and cooking. We will be doing general deep cleaning and organizing of the home and revamping our vegetable garden. Monterey Park Ages 18 and older. Project hours: 9:30am - 2:30pm.  Action Agape* 

14. SHARE! Self-Help and Recovery Exchange, Downtown

This is a general cleanup project of their downtown meeting spaces. Ages 18 and up.  Project hours 9am - 1pm. Action Agape*

15. Westside Children’s Center

Westside Children’s Center provides thousands of at-risk children and their families with critical, high-quality early education programs, family strengthening interventions, foster care and adoption services, and a variety of other vital, integrated services. We will be doing beautification of their Center including gardening and cleaning preschool classrooms.  Mar Vista. 12 years and older. Project hours: 9am - 12pm. Action Agape*

16. Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity LA builds and repairs homes for low income families in need and provides affordable home improvement items through our Torrance, Los Angeles and Bellflower ReStores (like a cross between a home depot and a thrift store).  Volunteers will be helping run and operate the stores for the day.  Activities could include organizing items, loading and unloading donations, placing items out on the floor, cleaning, and other essential projects to help the stores function.   Ages 14 and up. Project hours: 8:30am - 12:30pm. Action Agape*

17. A Place Called Home

APCH is a dynamic youth center in South-Central Los Angeles. We will be cleaning and beautifying the center.  Ages 8 and up. Project hours: 9am - 2pm.  Action Agape*

18. Vista Del Mar Child and Family Services

Vista Del Mar improves the mental health and well-being of children and families by providing specialized and therapeutic services. We will be supporting the department that specializes in Domestic, International & Foster Adoptions. We will assist with cleaning their outside picnic area, planting a few flowers/plants in the new garden, making packets and organizing and cleaning some of the common areas in the office. Westside of Los Angeles.  Ages 18 and up. Project hours: 9:30am - 1:30pm. Action Agape*

19. Proyecto Jardin LA, at Elysian Heights Elementary School Garden

We are school garden located on a public school campus. Our project for the day is BIG SALAD DAY: A Sacred Compost for Mother Earth. We will construct compost windrow using 1,000 pounds of food waste.  All ages. Project hours: 9am - 2pm. Action Agape*

20. Children’s Lifesaving Foundation

CLF is dedicated to transforming the lives of under-served, at-risk youth and homeless families. We will be helping set-up CLF’s Surf Camp for homeless and low-income children. We will also be serving lunch. You will need to bring a bathing suit and a towel. Malibu  Ages 18 and up. Project hours: 9am - 1pm.  Action Agape*

21. Optimist Youth Homes & Family Services

OYHFS mission is to provide innovative and individualized treatment, education, and support services to children, young adults and families to better their lives. We will be supporting this historic Los Angeles resource at their Highland Park headquarters. Gardening and painting.  Ages 19 and up.  Project hours: 8am - 11am.  Action Agape*

22. Common Peace, Center for the Advancement of Nonviolence

Common Peace was born out of Agape’s involvement in A Season for Nonviolence. We will be creating artwork and greeting cards, and writing inspirational messages and letters to Veterans - all of which will be given to The Mindful Warrior Project. The Mindful Warrior Project uplifts Veterans - using a wide variety of alternative healing modalities - and works to empower them on their journey of recovery from the effects of war! Culver City.  All ages. Project hours: 9:30am - 1:30pm. Peace Ministry*

23. Home Sweet Home

Agape’s Alice's Quiet Mind Bookstore inventory is currently stored in approximately 500 boxes. Each box contains multiple books, and several authors. We will be opening boxes and alphabetizing the books. Need to be able to lift 25 pounds. Ages 18 and up. Near Culver City. Project hours: 9am - 1pm

24. Surprise

Are you willing to trust Spirit? Choose Surprise on your sign-up form and, we promise, you will be surprised.  It could even be a project that came in after we went to print. This is your only choice, and a great one, if you register after June 10th.

*Part of Agape’s CommonUnity Ministries

If you have any questions please call 310-348-1260 X 1600

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself
in the service of others.
— Gandhi


Love is, above all, the gift of oneself.
— Jean Anouilh (1910 – 1987)


There is no higher religion
than human service. To work
for the common good is the
greatest creed.
— Woodrow Wilson (1856 – 1924)


No act of kindness, no matter
how small, is ever wasted. 
— Aesop (620 BC – 560 BC) The Lion and the Mouse


Service … is love in action,
love “made flesh”; service is
the body, the incarnation of
love. Love is the impetus;
service the act, and
creativity the result with
many by-products.
 — Sarah Patton Boyle,
U.S. civil rights activist and author.


Never Doubt that a small
group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can
change the world; indeed, it’s
the only thing that ever has.
— Margaret Mead


I expect to pass through this
world but once; any good
thing therefore that I can do,
or any kindness that I can
show to any fellow creature,
let me do it now; let me not
defer or neglect it, for I shall
not pass this way again.
— Ettiene De Grellet


Love cannot remain by itself–
it has no meaning. Love has to
be put into action and that
action is service.
 — Mother Teresa


Love grows by service.— Charlotte Perkins Gilman


I don’t know what your destiny
will be, but one thing I do
know: the only ones among
you who will be really happy
are those who have sought
and found how to serve.
— Albert Schweitzer


If I have been of service, if I
have glimpsed more of the
nature and essence of
ultimate good, if I am inspired
to reach wider horizons of
thought and action, if I am at
peace with myself, it has been
a successful day.
 — Alex Noble


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