Originality Must Be Your Causality

In a world where old religious models are giving way to authentic spirituality, we have before us a blessed opportunity to redefine and revitalize the vision for our lives where our spiritual and social contracts are concerned. We have the opportunity to begin afresh with ourselves and in our relationships with others and our world. When we say, “Next week I’ll begin my spiritual practice,” or any other of our intensions, basically we are saying it probably won’t happen at all. That is the power of postponement. When We Say, “Today I am beginning to know my essence as love itself. Today I open my awareness and meet myself face-to-face,” this is the power of being in the now moment.

With complete abandonment I fly into the realm of pure Spirit!

Therefore, my moment-to-moment living is a prayer in action!

My life burns with the fire and passion of divine love and perfect peace!

I am awake to the dynamic power of Spirit as my life!

As a divine center in the mind of God, I am divinely supplied and permanently prospered!

I live and breathe the substance of well-being and the ecstasy of gratitude!

And So It Is! Now and Forever! Amen!

Originality Must Be Your Causality

During these challenging times when our world family is facing and responding with positive activism in many forms to bring about social, cultural, educational and governmental change, we must trust that the Great Law of Life governing the universe will prevail. The wheels of divine justice may grind more slowly than we prefer, but they grind surely! So as we walk together in the days and months to come, let us continue to take a stand for change grounded in principle, and to trust the results according to Spirit’s
divine right timing. May trust and peace rule in our hearts. 

My life is lived in touch with the Spirit of the living God!

Divine abundance moves in perfect circulation as my life!

I live in the problem free zone of the eternal now!

The joy of being and the gift of right seeing are my everyday experience!

I have everything I need to set myself free!

Gratefully I let it be! So be it! Amen!

Originality Must Be Your Causality

Today we celebrate Mother love, Mother nurturing, as exemplified by Mother Mary and the Great Mother of our initial conception. Mother Earth cradles us in her arms with the richness of the soil, feeds us from her rich resources of the green earth, illumines us with brilliant light, and sustains us with living waters. Implicit is a rich vibrant texture of living ready to explode into even more greatness as us! Divine Mother consciousness continually enfolds each of us in her bosom, fulfilling through perfect love the manifestation of the highest order of God’s perfect being. 

The transcendent power of the living God takes over my life!

My thoughts are radiant with the light of Spirit!

My choices are made from my oneness and wholeness in God!

My life is lived in the dynamic, abundant energy of pure Spirit!

Heaven is anchored on earth through my thoughts, words and actions!

The divine feminine essence of God reveals its grace as me today and always!

In gratitude and love I let it be! And so it is! Amen!

Originality Must Be Your Causality

It's reported that there are over 60 million parrots in the United States alone, which is a substantially higher population than the number of recognized prophets gracing the entire planet. The truth is, prophet consciousness lives within each one of us waiting to emerge.
From within our secret soul it patiently, ceaselessly prophesizes to us our life purpose, hoping we will hear its voice, wake up, and respond. The question is, which melody do you choose to attune to: the off-key voice of a parroting society, or the perfect pitch of the prophet within? Prophet or parrot—the choice is ours. 

I am created in the image and likeness of God! Whole, complete and perfect!

The rhythm of joy and right action takes over my life!

I live in divine guidance and let God show the way!

My Gratitude and generosity prime the pump of my prosperity!

My life is living decree of infinite possibility!

All praise and glory is to God! So be it! Amen!

Growing From Role To Soul

As I contemplate current world events—which simply can’t be ignored or bypassed—these words of Jesus the Christ come to me, “Cut off from the vine, you can do nothing.”  How clearly he describes the connectivity of our world family, how what happens in the West vibrationally impacts the East, the North and South, and vice versa. And yet we continue to create and believe in artificially created manmade borders.
Nevertheless, there is good  news:  there being no separation between souls, compassion, love, peace and kindness boundlessly spread far beyond our prayer mat to all beings with whom we share the planet.  And that is why I encourage us all to pray like we’ve never prayed before, to love like we’ve never loved before as our gift, our blessing upon the world and all sentient beings. 

The full power of the divine dwells within me!

Gods good overflows the banks of my present paradigm!

The genius of my being restores my body and renews my mind!

Fulfillment is my identity, my charge and my destiny!

I stand in pure gratitude, glee and ecstasy!

What a joy it is to be free! And so it is! Amen!