Use this time to deepen your spiritual practice for it is then, as Thich Nhat Hanh informs us, “Love will enter our thoughts, our words, and our actions.” Affirmative prayer, meditation—these are especially contributory to developing limitless love, goodwill, compassion and discernment. Through prayer, the tendency to set anger and retaliation loose gives way to patience, forgiveness and loving-kindness. Then, whether the winds that begin to blow are revolutionary or evolutionary, we will stand in them with a healing peace radiating out from our being into the world.
I am an emanation from God bringing heaven to earth!
An ever increasing awareness of gratitude opens my eyes and multiplies my good!
I walk in the no complaint zone of God consciousness!
Love is the common thread weaving my life together!
The high vibration of perfect wholeness renews my body temple!
This is the real me! And so I let it be! Amen!
The call to our collective heart and soul is this: to let go of reactive habit patterns and ground ourselves in trusting the fundamental goodness of the universe, the same goodness that lives within each one of us. Then, if our heart feels called to protest injustice, let it begin with prayer. If our mind feels called to take action by signing
petitions, to marching in support of our world family, let us do that also, beginning with prayer. Prayer detoxes the heart of worry, fear, anxiety, and restores equanimity, leading to wisdom-guided, impactful action. It is prayer that speaks most meaningfully and clearly to the dilemmas and questions with which our world family is now dealing.
I am a shining example of the power and presence of God!
My gratitude awakens greater and greater good in my life!
Love is the activity of my consciousness, the natural expression of my Being!
The body of my affairs reveals and reflects the order of the universe!
A vision of health and wholeness takes shape as my body temple!
Joyfully I live these words of truth! So be it! Amen!
The resurrection of the great master teacher, Jesus the Christ, revealed that consciousness does not know death. That is why on a daily basis we can rise in consciousness to a resurrected life, a life transformed in body, mind, and spirit. Our spiritual practices of meditation, affirmative prayer, and life visioning saturate our consciousness with the stuff out of which we were made—cosmic energy—and this energy can be consciously directed.
In this holy season I invite you to respond to the Divine Love knocking at the door of your heart urging you to resurrect your true nature and recharge yourself with the joy of your own eternal being.
I let the expanded nature of God take over my life!
The vibration of creation expresses through my hands, my heart and my mind!
The language of love speaks through all my conversations!
I am rock solid in the awareness and demonstration of true abundance!
My gratitude opens doors and activates unlimited opportunities!
This moment is a new beginning for my life! And so it is! Amen!
Remember that your heartsets and mindsets are the mechanisms of empowerment in all of your life structures. Nurture them, nourish them by diving deeply into the reservoir of consciousness through your spiritual practices of affirmative prayer, meditation, life visioning, and generosity of heart. Daily enter the sanctuary of your soul so that you may touch the exquisite Presence of your being. After all, doesn’t your relationship with the Divine deserve 1/24 th of your conscious attention each day?
The inspired thoughts of God guide and direct me, support and uplift me!
A radiant world of beauty and love is my dwelling place!
My life is an ongoing expression of grace and right action!
A dynamic sense of abundance and wholeness overflows my awareness!
Open doors and open hearts greet me everywhere I go!
Gratefully I live and give the gifts God gave me!
And so it is! Amen!
As you intuitively catch and follow Spirit’s inner guidance, may you enter a profound evolutionary era on your life path. Spirit lives at the very heart and soul of each one of us, yearning to fully realize itself as us, which is why we have the inner urge to seek and come “home” to our true Self.
I am filled to overflowing with the presence of the living God!
Within me is the sacred gift of divinity. I live it and give it freely!
The dynamic vibration of freedom shatters all limitations in my life!
Love, peace and possibilities break out everywhere I go!
The essence of gratitude lifts me up, lights me up and loves me up!
Life is good! And so it is! Amen!