Supreme Interest: Amazing Dividends to Behold

How often have you said to yourself, “When I least expected it I saw the light at the end of the tunnel”; or, “Even though I didn’t pray for guidance, when I caught it in consciousness I was metaphorically brought to my knees in gratitude”? This is grace, the tender action of the Presence within you that is ever leading you to the fulfillment of your divine destiny, your unique path to awakening.

Soulful Success: Robbery, Limitation & Hindrance Not Included

Today, continue to nourish your dreams.  Hold fast to your vision and do something everyday to bring it into manifestation.  Everything is possible in God because God is the Infinite Possibility within everything.  Know that you are God’s beloved in whom God is well pleased.  Never give up on yourself.

Soulful Success: Robbery, Limitation & Hindrance Not Included

People who “have soul” have a certain way of expressing themselves. What they’re saying is real; they have the facility, the ability to touch you. There’s the sense that they’re not trying to transmit anything. Yet transmission is taking place. They’re in tune. They have rhythm. They have an understanding of the way things are, and there’s a commitment to the heart.

Soulful Success: Robbery, Limitation & Hindrance Not Included

All of life in this three dimensional world presents itself as a paradox of seeming pairs of opposites. Our job – and we do choose to accept it – is to see through the duality to the one power, the one Presence underpinning our universe. Once we learn that it’s all about balance, then it’s not a balancing “act” but a balanced state of mindfulness.

Soulful Success: Robbery, Limitation & Hindrance Not Included

So many individuals are trying to change their lives by changing others, or they try to change their experience while they themselves remain the same. But when you step into the awareness that you are here to embrace your evolutionary awakening, you become spiritual nobility. You are the king and queen ruling your world with dignity, peace, love, compassion, forgiveness, wisdom, gratitude, surrender and humility.