YOU: The Alchemist Of Your Life

When we learn of individuals being displaced from their countries of origin, or prevented from entering the borders of another, let us include them in our daily prayers. Borders, be they of land or of the heart, are artificial. Through our spiritual practices we can build a bridge of compassion to walk across and rekindle an awareness of our oneness with all that is, with Source. And when we do, our heart will become intoxicated with a divine love that is known to those who embody such a consciousness.

The great God of the universe is my constant companion!

Heaven breaks out all over my life!

I am backed by an economy of love, beauty, joy and creativity!

A field of intelligence inspires my thoughts, words and actions!

A perfect pattern of wholeness sources my body temple!

I am lifted! I am gifted! I rise in God!

So be it! Amen!

YOU: The Alchemist Of Your Life

Cosmic contracts are based on the universal principle of oneness, on the Reality that all existence has emerged from one Source and therefore forms the DNA of every man, woman, and child gracing the planet. As an interconnected cosmic family, the question to place before ourselves is, how can we individually spark this precious recognition to emerge. One that says, “If you, my sister, are hungry, then I too am hungry. Please sup at my table.” If you, my brother, shiver, I too am cold. Please warm yourself by my fire.”
As Spirit spoke through Jesus the Christ, “…inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

I am a great participant in the ever expanding good that is God!

Sincerity, earnestness and resolve are my qualities of Being!

Beauty, health and wholeness express as my body temple!

My bank of universal good never runs out!

This is the new set point for the rest of my life!

Gratefully I take the dare and live life fully!

And so it is! Amen!

Supreme Interest: Amazing Dividends to Behold

Gratitude is the sincerest prayer of the heart, arising from a recognition of the precious human incarnation each of us has been given. We then walk through life in humble awe of the realization that Spirit inseparably, purposely individualized itself as “me.” Is there a more ultimate gift than to know, deep in our beingness, that we are made of God-stuff, that we have been equipped with all that we need to come into full realization of our oneness with pure Spirit?

I am aglow with the dynamic energy of pure spirit!

The power of my sacred yes amplifies the God qualities within me!

Love is my inspiration, my conversation and my life!

Peace is my natural state and my holy charge!

Abundance is my divine right flowing to me and through me!

Gratitude is my way of seeing and being!

I am a mighty force of God consciousness on this planet!

And so it is! Amen

Supreme Interest: Amazing Dividends to Behold

Although in general grace is associated with religious language, it is a transcendent energy frequency that is the antidote to the mind chatter that gives rise to fear, to a sense of lack or limitation in any aspect of our lives. Grace is not something we earn. It is not something given to the seemingly saintly few. Just as the light shines equally on the charcoal and the diamond, the energy of grace is freely poured into the lives of all beings. It is a gift of Spirit that accompanies us, that caresses us as we evolve beyond ego fulfillment to soul-enrichment. 

My life vibrates in Oneness and radiates with the love of God!

Every cell of my body temple celebrates health and wholeness!

Infinite energy and inexhaustible good overflow every area of my life!

Every day is a joyful journey in the eternal presence of peace and wholeness!

The face of God greets me everywhere I go!

In gratitude and thanksgiving I let it be!

And so it is! Amen

Supreme Interest: Amazing Dividends to Behold

Through Jesus’s conscious union and communion with Spirit, he received a revelation of a promise etched in forever: there is nothing, absolutely nothing that can separate us from our Creator Source and its unconditional love for each and every one of us. This is our eternal,
divine inheritance in spite of any and all appearances. This mystical union between the soul and Spirit is the supreme love we are all seeking. We taste an appetizer of it in all forms of human
love until the day comes that we feast upon the formless entrée of Divine Love itself.

My life is lived on a wave of creative genius!

All that I need is within me and I manifest it with grace and ease!

I live God’s vision for my life with dignity, elegance and style!

Love goes before me to guide my steps and light my way!

I declare it! I decree it! And I am happy to be it!

This is a new day and I gratefully rejoice in it!

And so it is! Amen