Agape love is not something we can do, nor is it something we can force. The seed of Agape Love was planted in our hearts the moment we came into existence, and when our hearts become ripened, Agape Love blossoms.? This expression of unconditional love is developed through our spiritual practices.
I am a divine idea bursting into expression!? Whole, complete and perfect! Today I joyfully exercise my right to shine! Vibrations of greatness and enthusiasm undergird my life! Thoughts of health and wholeness revitalize my body temple! I am a creative, innovative and elevated expression of God! Abundance blesses every aspect of my life! I am grateful!? And so it is!? Amen.
We canft escape the truth that just as our Creator Source has invested in its greatest avatars, saints, and sages, so has it equally invested in you and me. So the question is: How are we going to consciously and joyously multiply this investment through our spiritual practices on and off the meditation cushion, the prayer mat?
The transcendent power of the living God takes over my life! My thoughts are radiant with the light of Spirit! My choices are made from my oneness and wholeness in God! My life is lived in the dynamic, abundant energy of pure Spirit! Heaven is anchored on earth through my thoughts, words and actions! In gratitude and love I let it be! And so it is! Amen!
The Spirit of Life has invested its allness within each of us with the utmost love, respect, and trust. You exist to multiply this investment and reap the dividends of what it means to be a spiritual being having a human incarnation. Our Creator Source knows nothing about subtraction or division. It knows only multiplication. Check the facts yourself: Observing nature we can see that its multiplication tables are infinite, and now technology enables us to see beyond the boundaries of our own planet.
One presence! One life! One God! Here, now, always! The power of this awareness dissolves all fear, doubt and worry! God intoxicated thoughts forge a new groove in my consciousness! Health, vigor and vitality are the order of my day! Everyday! The high vibration of principle and practice is top priority in my life! I say gYesh in advance and meet my good everywhere! And so it is! Amen!
Just as the Divine Feminine in the form of a human mother forever prays in her heart for her beloved child, so does the Cosmic Mother keep written in her heart every prayer you have ever whispered from your secret soul into the universe. This utterly tender aspect of Spirit is experienced by those who turn to it with the trusting abandon of a child to its mother. So when times of spiritual dryness fall upon you, when formal prayer seems beyond your reach, remember to turn to the sanctuary within your soul and let the Cosmic Mother bathe you in her grace, her all-embracing, unconditional love. You will be overwhelmed by her constant availability. And on this you may rely: Although the Cosmic Mother is beyond description, She will rush into your experience as a most intimate handmaiden to your healing and transformation.
God leads, guides, directs and protects me now and always! The gifts of my divinity are stirred into activity and express fully! Blessings flow forth from the high vibration of my willingness! God is the breath of my breath and the bone of my bone; I am whole, complete and perfect! Today, I bathe my consciousness in the unconditional, comforting love of the Cosmic Mother! Gratefully I let it be! And so it is! Amen!
During the Spring, we see nature radiating Spiritfs energy of renewal. The word renewal comes to us from the Latin renovationem, to restore. Isnft this a description of why we practice affirmative prayer?to restore within ourselves a conscious realization of our oneness with Spirit? The beautiful thing is that we donft have to wait for a particular season to renew our soulfs connection to Spirit; it is available to us in the now moment, with each breath that we take. May you pray often, and may each and every prayer deliver a blessing of renewal upon your life and the lives of our global family.
My life is the life of God! Deep, down, real good God! The high vibration of excellence is the starting point in all I do! I am an ambassador of the unseen making abundance visible on this planet! The impulse of divine love underscores my relationships! Turning within I live full out, sailing, soaring and totally free! My life is a hallelujah from head to toe! And so it is! Amen!