Breaking through the illusion that we are anything less than our true nature is what our inner work is fundamentally about.? It is what we declare in our affirmative prayer work and contact directly in deep states of meditation.? As co-creators of our lives, each of us is a spiritual artist whose depth of artistry depends upon our attunement with the Master Artist, our Creator Source.? And that attunement is based on our soul-craft of spiritual practice.? But this takes more than mere lip service or intention setting.? It takes what I call the discipline of SYBD?an acronym for gSit Your Butt Down.h
Wild enthusiasm charges every activity of my life! I am stark raving glad, God, loving and divine! The financial energy of the universe flows freely through me! I am a generous and generative being! The high calling of Christ consciousness resounds in my awareness! I am a sacred servant of Godfs perfect plan! Gratefully I live these words of truth!? And so it is!? Amen!
As I contemplate current world events?which simply canft be ignored or bypassed?these words of Jesus the Christ come to me, gCut off from the vine, you can do nothing.h? How clearly he describes the connectivity of our world family, how what happens in the West vibrationally impacts the East, the North and South, and vice versa.? And yet we continue to create and believe in artificially created manmade borders. Nevertheless, there is good? news:? there being no separation between souls, compassion, love, peace and kindness boundlessly spread far beyond our prayer mat to all beings with whom we share the planet.? And that is why I encourage us all to pray like wefve never prayed before, to love like wefve never loved before as our gift, our blessing upon the world and all sentient beings.
I am an emanation from God bringing heaven to earth! An ever increasing awareness of gratitude opens my eyes and multiplies my good! I walk in the no complaint zone of God consciousness! Love is the common thread weaving my life together! The high vibration of perfect wholeness renews my body temple! This is the real me!? And so I let it be!? Amen!
Our true nature can never be handcuffed, imprisoned, pirated, hacked, held hostage, nor destroyed. In the reality of this now moment, freedom is living, breathing, loving, and expressing within, through, and as your spirit-soul. This spiritual principle is evidenced through the lives of those who related to themselves as being free amidst the loss of outer independence—persons like Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Victor Frankel, Rosa Parks. They, along with others who have shared how their inner spirit of freedom sustained them, are for us the examples of the changeless reality of being
My life is lived to the glory of the living God!
The fire of my heart’s desire burns away all fear, doubt and worry!
Joyfully I outgrow any issues and expand into my true greatness!
A consciousness of gratitude and sheer appreciation carries me on its wings!
I sizzle with the soulful sauce of transformation!
This is my life on God! And so it is! Amen!
Our true nature can never be handcuffed, imprisoned, pirated, hacked, held hostage, nor destroyed.? In the reality of this now moment, freedom is living, breathing, loving, and expressing within, through, and as your spirit-soul.? This spiritual principle is evidenced through the lives of those who related to themselves as being free amidst the loss of outer independence?persons like Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Victor Frankel, Rosa Parks.? They, along with others who have shared how their inner spirit of freedom sustained them, are for us the examples of the changeless reality of being.
My life is lived to the glory of the living God! The fire of my heartfs desire burns away all fear, doubt and worry! Joyfully I outgrow any issues and expand into my true greatness! A consciousness of gratitude and sheer appreciation carries me on its wings! I sizzle with the soulful sauce of transformation! This is my life on God!? And so it is! Amen!
Authentic freedom cannot be described as being political, financial, physical, mental or religious, for in their highest definition these categories represent various states of outer independence rather than inner freedom. As world events have proven throughout human history, all of these external structures can and do change without notice. The singular, changeless reality of being is that each of has been born out of and as the very essence of freedom itself:? Spirit.
The full power of the divine dwells within me! Godfs good overflows the banks of my present paradigm! The genius of my being restores my body and renews my mind! Fulfillment is my identity, my charge and my destiny! I stand in pure gratitude, glee and ecstasy! What a joy it is to be free! And so it is! Amen!