The seed of Agape love was encrypted into each of our hearts the moment Spirit breathed its presence into us. It is to our individual and collective benefit to consciously evolve in our spiritual practices so that year after year we become more mature lovers, so that we no longer withhold our love based on whether or not others share the same ethical standards, political affiliations, cultural mores, sexual identities, religious beliefs and so on. As our capacity to love expands, we discover something very profound: no one or no thing ha the power to prevent us from loving.
I am resolute in the absolute presence of God as my life! All of the solutions to all of my challenges are already within me! My beliefs and points of view shine the light of wisdom and compassion! The evolutionary impulse that governs the universe propels the vision of my life! Prosperity, health and right relations are my divine birthright fully expressed! My life is a song of praise and thanksgiving! So be it! Amen!
Bartlettfs Familiar Quotations was written in 1855 and remains the longest-lived, most widely distributed American reference book of quotations. Would it surprise you to learn that among its 1,504 pages, love is the most frequently searched topic? Itfs no wonder, really, for Love itself ceaselessly courts us, drawing us into its magnetic field, inviting us to merge with its essence in a state of mystical union. In that moment when we surrender to its gravitational pull, we are transfigured. Its radiance pierces our being and transports us into a state of divine communion where Love, Loving and Lover become One.
I live one on one at one with the only One, God! Cosmic good is infused in everything I do and everything I am! The infinite ooze of unlimited possibilities is the playground of my mind! Releasing the lesser, I embrace the next great version of who and what I am! Beyond limitations!? Above conditions!? ?Breaking free and Being? me! Gratefully I let it be!? And so it is! Amen!
Love is the ultimate authentic religion. When we taste its flavour and feel its embrace, we are in the realm of mystical lovers. In her writings, the Catholic mystic Hildegard of Bingen describes such states of consciousness as gThe soul is kissed by God in its innermost regions.h These innermost regions are the heart and soul of which are entered through our spiritual practices of meditation and affirmative prayer. As the master teacher Jesus the Christ taught his own disciples, it is in the solitude of the soul that we commune with the Beloved.
My high focus and deep resolve activate Godfs vision for my life! The gifts of divinity are mine!? Freely given and fully received! True abundance flows from the well of my God consciousness! My body temple is a perfect idea backed by unlimited and potent potential! I live, move and have my beingness in a field of gratitude and appreciation! God is!? And so it is!? Amen!
Love is the most practical state of being, because through it we see the world as Spirit sees it; we relate to and with the world and all beings through right seeing, through the 20/20 vision of a Christ, a Buddha. In other words, through our true awakened nature.
Empowered by the love of God, I walk as a beneficial presence on this planet! My inner guidance lifts me above any fear, doubt or worry! Buoyant, boundless energy restores my body, mind and soul! God is the one source and the constant resource of my life! I am an ambassador of the unseen making abundance available on this planet! All praise and glory is to God!? So be it!? Amen!
There are many risks you will be invited to take in life, and the greatest of them can be the giving and receiving of Love. This is the choice made by true lovers:? Trust Love, and you will see Spirit in all the obvious and disguised forms through which it comes to you. Trust Love, and expect radical changes in your innermost being. Through their inner spiritual practices, the mystical lovers across all times and spiritual traditions arrived at the realization of gWe Are,h at the realization that it is Spirit who is loving them through all forms of human love.? Drop your shyness, self-consciousness, any sense of unworthiness and call Spirit your very own, and know that you are its very own beloved.? Live, love, and have your being in full acceptance of its imperishable Love for you.
Spiritual insights guide my path and light my way! Holy encounters of the Divine ground my life in peace! Omnipresent with Godf all of my needs are met! Unified in Spirit I am one with all and all with the One! Transcending my personal mind, I soar to my greatest yet to be! I am a shout out from the mind and heart of God! Gratefully I let it be. So be it! Amen!