Your Hidden Resources: Itfs Time for the Great Reveal.

The resurrection of the great master teacher, Jesus the Christ, revealed that consciousness does not know death. That is why on a daily basis we can rise in consciousness to a resurrected life, a life transformed in body, mind, and spirit. Our spiritual practices of meditation, affirmative prayer, and life visioning saturate our consciousness with the stuff out of which we were made?cosmic energy?and this energy can be consciously directed.

The glory of the living God is resurrected in me today! Spirit divine springs forth as my perfect health and wholeness! A new field of possibilities emerges in my awareness and manifests as my experience! Infinite opportunities blossom in the field of my receptive consciousness! The true spirit of Easter enlivens my heart, restores my soul and delights me in every way! In all things I am grateful! And so it is! Amen!

The Way of Wonder

Love is the ultimate authentic religion. When we taste its flavour and feel its embrace, we are in the realm of mystical lovers. In her writings, the Catholic mystic Hildegard of Bingen describes such states of consciousness as gThe soul is kissed by God in its innermost regions.h These innermost regions are the heart and soul of us which are entered through our spiritual practices of meditation and affirmative prayer. As the master teacher Jesus the Christ taught his own disciples, it is in the solitude of the soul that we commune with the Beloved. gWhen thou prayest,h he instructed, genter into thy closeth (the soul), gand when thou has shut thy doorh (to external concerns), gpray to thy Father which is in secreth (within you), gand thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openlyh (with its grace of unconditional love).

Empowered by the love of God, I walk as a beneficial presence on this planet! My inner guidance lifts me above any fear, doubt or worry! Buoyant, boundless energy restores my body, mind and soul! God is the one source and the constant resource of my life! I am an ambassador of the unseen making abundance available on this planet! All praise and glory is to God! ?So be it! ?Amen!

The Way of Wonder

Wherever you find yourself in your spiritual practice ? on fire or lukewarm ? take heart and begin again. ?Each sitting, each prayer is unique every single day. ?Take responsibility for creating enough variety and spontaneity in your communion with Spirit, the Divine Beloved of your soul, for just as in any relationship we treasure, this causes enthusiasm to rekindle and joy to bubble up in our consciousness. This is what I have learned through walking the path and I offer it to you with love and appreciation as a fellow spiritual traveler.

My every activity is infused with the eternal presence of divine love! A stream of infinite wisdom flows from the God Head to my open mind! I am constantly lifting up to higher and higher dimensions of Being! The goodness, the grandness, the graciousness of God is mine today! My high conversations draw the best out of everyone I meet! The sweet water of appreciation baths everything I do! It is so! So be it! Amen!

The Way of Wonder

The seed of Agape love was encrypted into each of our hearts the moment Spirit breathed its presence into us. It is to our individual and collective benefit to continuously evolve in our spiritual practices so that year after year we become more mature lovers, so that we no longer withhold our love based on whether or not others share the same ethical standards, political affiliations, cultural mores, sexual identities, religious beliefs and so on. As our capacity to love expands, we discover something very profound: no one or no thing has the power to prevent us from loving.

I am the presence of God in plain view; whole, complete and perfect! The sound of cosmic goodness sings its song as me! Peace and harmony are shot from eternity and caught in my receptivity! Revelations of health and wholeness vitalize my body temple! I thrive on my high conversations of praise and thanksgiving! Today I bow my head to my heart and set myself free! And so it is!?? Amen!

The Way of Wonder

I greet you today by your true name: Love. This love lives at the center of your being, waiting to be downloaded into all aspects of your life and expressed through you. Love is your password into the depths of Life and all that you have taken birth to fulfill as you deliver your gifts, talents and skills on our beautiful planet, as you committedly participate in your practices of spiritual awakening.

Today I am shaken awake to the brilliance of my own being! I reveal it fully! The universe is prosperous, progressive and on my side! I am Abundance! Divine love lives at the center of my being!? I shine! A deep sense of empowerment flows from my oneness with God! I am charged! The high vibration of health and wholeness expresses as my body temple! I am whole! In all things I am grateful! I am free! And so it is!? Amen!